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about promises to her


Hey Y'all...

"Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His PROMISES TO HER." Luke 1:45


Welcome to my corner of the internet. I’m so glad you’ve stumbled upon it! 


Promises to Her was something I cooked up during a period of struggle. My life had hit several roadblocks all at once, and every new path I tried to start down was met with rejection after rejection. I was lost. Totally, completely lost. While I watched my friends and others my age accomplish their goals and reach life milestones, I felt forgotten and left behind. 


For the first time in my life I truly found myself crying out to God and counting on Him to hold me up. Depending on myself had clearly not gotten me anywhere, and I was broken to the point that I had no choice but to depend on Him. 


If there was one thing I needed most during this season (or several) of my life, it was encouragement. Encouragement that God had a reason behind my struggles, as well as hope that His plan would somehow use my pain as a source of good. 


Encouragement for today, hope for the future. That is the premise of Promises to Her. No matter what stage of life we are in, there will always be peaks and there will always be valleys. It is my hope that here in this space, we can create a community of women of all ages to build each other up. To find comfort in the valleys, to rejoice on the peaks, and to provide encouragement and hope for those who are in between.


Thank you for being here!! I can't wait to get to know you all!

xoxo, Sarah

Ice Cream Scoops
Fluffy White Clouds
Pink Lemon
Outdoor Chairs
Birthday Party with Ice Cream
Countryside Bike Ride
Pink Petals
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